研究计划:申请者一般简称为RP。是申请中国香港,英国一些学校时需要提交的一份申请材料。与 PS 不同,研究计划(Research Proposal)是纯学术的,无须加入诸如个人经历、感情这些东西。它要求申请者要有一个明确的研究方案并对此有较好的把握。
2. 研究计划有多重要?研究计划是博士申请的第一步,也是最重要的一步!质量的高低直接决定申博的后续,只有一篇高质量的研究计划,套磁的导师才会有意愿回复你。如果你在研究计划环节就没有做好准备,那你的博士申请是是无法进行的!
3. 一篇优秀的研究计划有什么用?通过研究计划,导师和招生委员会可以判断出:
1. 你的研究问题是否具有原创性和研究意义,是否能够引领学科,值得去研究;你的批判思维及创新思维如何;你的学术写作及语言能力如何;你的研究项目是否可行等。
2. 导师通过研究计划可以评判出你对这一研究领域的专业知识掌握程度、已有文献领悟能力、理解能力以及你的见解如何等。
3. 研究方向契合程度的重要性。你的研究方向直接可以决定你可以做谁的学生、进入哪个方向的team。导师会优先考虑和自己研究领域匹配度高的学生。
4. 最后一点很重要的是,研究计划一定要展现出你的兴趣点和对这一领域热情不减的激情。如果能阐述清楚你如何完成、展现出你有能力完成,就不失为一篇很有说服力的研究计划,导师也会抵挡不住哦。
4. 如何撰写研究计划先看看官方要求
This can change, but make sure to include important ‘key words’ that will relate your proposal to relevant potential supervisors, funding schemes and so on. Make sure that your title goes beyond simply describing the subject matter – it should give an indication of your approach or key questions.
2.Overview of the research
In this section you should provide a short overview of your research and where it fits within the existing academic discourses, debates or literature. Be as specific as possible in identifying influences or debates you wish to engage with, but try not to get lead astray into a long exegesis of specific sources. Rather, the point is to sketch out the context into which your work will fit.
You should also use this section to make links between your research and the existing strengths of the department to which you are applying. Visit appropriate websites to find out about existing research taking place in the department and how your project can complement this.
If applying to multiple departments, be sure to tailor a unique proposal to each department – readers can tell if a proposal has been produced for ‘mass consumption’!
Be sure to establish a solid and convincing framework for your research in this section. This should include:
1) research questions (usually, 1-3 should suffice) and the reason for asking them
2)the major approach(es) you will take (conceptual, theoretical, empirical and normative, as appropriate) and rationale
3)significance of the research (in academic and, if appropriate, other fields)
3.Positioning of the research
This section should discuss the texts which you believe are most important to the project, demonstrate your understanding of the research issues, and identify existing gaps(both theoretical and practical) that the research is intended to address. This section is intended to ‘sign-post’ and contextualize your research questions, not to provide a detailed analysis of existing debates.
4.Research design & methodology
This section should lay out, in clear terms, the way in which you will structure your research and the specific methods you will use. Research design should include (but is not limited to):
1)The parameters of the research (ie the definition of the subject matter)
2)A discussion of the overall approach (e.g. is it solely theoretical, or does it involve primary/empirical research) and your rationale for adopting this approach
3)Specific aims and objectives (e.g. ‘complete 20 interviews with members of group x’)
4)A brief discussion of the timeline for achieving this
A well developed methodology section is crucial, particularly if you intend to conduct significant empirical research. Be sure to include specific techniques, not just your general approach. This should include:
kinds of resources consulted;
methods for collecting and analyzing data; specific techniques (ie statistical analysis; semi-structured interviewing; participant observation);
and (brief) rationale for adopting these methods.
Your references should provide the reader with a good sense of your grasp on the literature and how you can contribute to it. Be sure to reference texts and resources that you think will play a large role in your analysis. Remember that this is not simply a bibliography listing ‘everything written on the subject’. Rather, it should show critical reflection in the selection of appropriate texts.
你可以看看你想申请的老师的网站主页,看看他们的研究方向,论文发表,然后挑几篇近几年他发表的且自己感兴趣的论文,看看title, abstract, key words, results, discussion, future work等,尝试自己总结下不足的地方或者目前还需要解决的问题。注意,一定要看下在文章最后,老师有没有写一些future work,如果有的话,你可以按照那个思路做延伸,确定自己的topic。不过,你也要注意,这个课题得值得你花上整个博士阶段去研究。
① Title 标题
标题应该简洁明了叙述性强。例如,An investigation of . . ." 这样的词组就可以直接省略掉。
② 摘要 abstract
大约300字的简短摘要,包括研究问题,研究的理论基础, hypothesis假说(若有的话),研究方法和主要发现。关于研究方法,你可以描述一下设计及其过程,需要的程序,还有用到的一些样品和所有仪器。
③ 引言 Introduction
④ Literature Review 文献综述
⑤ Method 研究方法
⑥ 结果 result
⑦ discussion 讨论